Latest Online Job Vacancies, Best Locker Site 2020

Job Vacancy (Locker) – if you're looking for a job you can try Search for them on the Internet (Online). Because there you can find Various job openings, and this is also a very precise and effective.

Online job openings are provided fast, effective, easy and practical – you will also get the uptodate and latest information, which can be tailored to your interests and education level.

Guaranteed and trusted Job sites

Many Once the job sites that we can find on the Internet. But not all provide accurate and reliable information. Here are some of the sites that provide the latest job vacancy, Accurate and reliable (and mainly in the Indonesian region).

Easy way to find online job openings

Website Jobs and Careers

1. is one of the most popular job sites in the region of Indonesia. (Indonesia) was part of, stood in Malaysia in 1995. Despite its standing in Malaysia, JobStreet provides a lot of job vacancy information in several countries in Asia, including Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam, and Indonesia.

JobStreet has many Once a partner is no wonder if he claims to be an online recruitment site Best and trustworthy. More than 30,000 job openings for Indonesian territory that you can find there.

In Use it very easily, you register first (can use Facebook). Complete the data and find the job vacancy info According to your criteria.

Also available in mobile app – "JobStreet".

Indonesia Job Vacancy

2. Asia's favorite job site that originated in Hongkong, stood 1998. provides job vacancy information for China, Singapore, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, and Indonesia.

Site has great features to make it easy to find Job info. Such as functions, industries, and workplace locations Desired.

You can also search for jobs by salary Average. E.g. looking for jobs with a salary range of 5 million to 10 Also, and the site will display a job with a salary between 5 S/d 10 Million.

Also available in mobile app – "jobsDB job Search".

Indonesia Job Vacancy

3. One of the Indonesian job sites that are widely accessed by job seekers because of their attractive appearance. in cooperation with the Ministry of Manpower in providing job openings for the community.

When logged in on this site you will be presented with complete employment information and Organized by its business industry. You can search by; Location, industry, Pososo, company, and field.

You can Job search here with job and location keywords, and You can sort out the provided career options. also allows To find jobs from different sectors and territories throughout the corners of Indonesia.

New Job vacancy at

4. is a job information provider site in Indonesia and they say summarizes more than 60.000 job openings throughout Indonesia. On this site you can directly submit applications to the company.

This site summarizes more than 60.000 job openings throughout Indonesia, including the job vacancy in PNS and SOES.

Not Only providing job information, Job-like also presents reviews, Information, and the work experience reviews of the Keryawan Direct.

Easy to use – besides the search feature, we Can search for jobs based on; Location area, Specializations/expertise (educative background), Industries/industries. and more. Job Site

5. The site is also very popular ( stood since the year 1998, which was established by PT. Primary community career, in Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta The leader was Dino Martin a Vice President of Sales and Marketing BMW Indonesia.

Same Like others you can search for job openings based on City (Jakarta, Surabaya, Bandung, Makasar, Yogyakarta, Medan), industrial (General trading, retail, finance, computer, consumer products, Telecommunications, automotive, etc.), certain company names and keywords Work-related. in acquisition by EMTEK Group. Nowadays it has worked with many big companies and Top universities in Indonesia. Nice to visit for Job seekers.

Also available in Mobile application – "".


6. As the name suggests, the site of the Indonesian job that was established in 2007. You can find hundreds of new jobs coming in every day. The job was screening and vetted by the team, so no doubt.

You can Find a job vacancy by typing the name "position or company" and choose a location. In addition, there are resume tools on the site Which companies can directly view your resume through Locker website. Job Site

7. Qerja website is an online community for sharing job vacancy information, salaries and review of company/work environment. You can filter your search by job, job, location, industry/company, and salary fields.

Also available Fresh option Graduate who will show job vacancy information for new Pass. The information provided will always be updated and trusted, Cooperation with the Government Employment ministry Indonesian.

Salary, Forum & Jobs

8. – a social meide site and forum for sharing information related to the workplace. Information can be a salary, a grid of interviews, general info about the company, and what the atmosphere in a company is like.

The advantage of this site is the input of data from Employees of the company. And employees can give a review About the company it was on. Of course this can help who want to apply for a job to the company.

Available also in mobile application – "Jobplanet-Salary, Forum & Jobs".

9., a job site that was established in 2005, based in Jakarta. Information regarding job openings there is quite complete, and all information has been verified by the Jobindo team.

Site It also always presents the latest job updates and Randomly comment. But you can filter for Refine the job that works for you. This allows you to Find the right career according to qualifications.

The Filter A location, category, and job field. No less interesting There is a feature to submit applications. All can be done Online, and only need to follow the listed requirements.

Site Jobs

10. An easy way to find work by type of contract – The selection of work provided is very diverse ranging from mining industry, law and tax, tourism, travel, engineering, food processing and many more.

You can search for what and where The desired job site, which CareerJet will then Displays detailed job search results.

For the location, Broadly, classifies the location of the to 7, namely Java, Kalimantan, Sunda Kecil, Maluku, Papua West, Sulawesi.

You can start working without having to Register and Login first. But if you become a member Will get additional features, namely "Install your CV" and "Warn of jobs" and can perform application submission Work through the website has smart technology that can detect sites as well as identify job listings on the Internet.

Also available in mobile apps – "Work, job search, retrieval".

Find a job vacancy

11. website uses job search engine and collects job openings from various sources globally (broadly). So arguably the site locker number #1 in the world.

This site has been operating in many countries – reportedly there are sixty countries in the world, including Indonesia.

It has a simple look and feel like Google, as well as easy to use and easy to navigate too.

When will open our attention to the search box. You can Enter what title, keyword, or company name and where the Desired city or province.

Also available in mobile app – "Job search".

Many Companies and businesses that need labor. Now Internet, which can facilitate us in finding and Inform the job vacancy. And some of them provide facilities, by providing it to the form of a smartphone application.

From Online job sites above are still no longer site sites Which is not less good and also assured information, including (Application: Job Vacancy-Jora Indonesia),,, (application: KALIBRR job seeker).