Identity theft is becoming common, in keeping your personal data safe you need to do dual things: create a unique and very strong password that is not reused on the accounts of other sites. How to do it.
Use a Password Manager
Before implementing creating complex passwords, it is recommended to use a password manager tool, such as LastPass or 1Password. Since, both applications generate very unique and complex passwords that are difficult to crack, each password on each login site will be different. For example, “WWO7I@II&CRc” or “z+_^5TW*wRHe”, that password will be saved for you. You only need to remember one master password, which will be used to get all the login accounts.

Password management tools like 1Password can help you create strong passwords, as well as make it easier to manage them.
Or LastPass, it used to be a premium and paid service, but now it offers both free and premium features. A password manager can make you a strong and convenient password, but initially you need technical knowledge to apply it to all devices (computers/laptops and mobile phones).
Passwords with 8 to 11 characters can still be hacked easily, thanks to the faster processor. A practical way to create a truly strong password is to use random, long characters that are very difficult to remember using a password manager.
If you’ve learned and implemented a password manager tool on your device, you can do it very easily afterwards.
Create your own Strong and secure passwords
If you don’t want a password management tool, you can learn to create your own passwords. Now how to create a password that is difficult to guess or break, but easy for you to remember.
Use unique phrases in creating passwords
The important thing that is needed in creating a password is that you can remember, it you can do using a passphrase.
- Create phrases of random words (which are hard to guess) such as “eat gaming”. Common and reasonable passphrases, such as “eat gaming”, may be easier to crack.
- Include some numbers that you can remember, but not an identity number or related to the date of birth, can be tucked in the middle, beginning or end: “eat gaming521”.
- Some sites may require you to use at least one capital letter and also a special symbol like a space or “^” or “@” or something like that: “eat Gaming~521”.
Use the site name in creating a unique password
Now that you’ve got a basic passphrase, then how do you create a unique password for each site.
- Add the first one to four letters of the website in your password. For example, to log in to a google email, your password becomes: “eat Gaming~521goo”.
- Or add the last one to four letters: “eat Gaming~521gle”.
- You can enter the phrase of the site name anywhere you want and capitalize: “eat gOoGaming~521”.
For other sites, Facebook for example, the password can be “eat fAcGaming~521” and so on.
In adding the word website phrase in the password, you need to establish the structure of the algorithm and then remember it. If using the first three words of the site, always use the first three words – they are written in uppercase letters, use the big-small way anyway, where you slip them and so on.
Now you should have understood how to create a strong password, while being able to remember it easily.
What you need to pay attention to and avoid in creating a Password
How to make a password very strong and secure:
- Create a long password, at least 12 to 16 characters long. The longer it is, of course, the better and harder it will be to break into.
- Create a complex password with a combination of letters, numbers, punctuation marks and symbols.
- Create a password that you can remember, this is very important. A super powerful password will be useless, if one day you forget it.
- Create a different password in the account.
- Make your password as random as possible, for example, ‘Gogelpaswot@521#’ is much better than ‘Google password 521’.
- If you want to test your password, you can use the haystack password GRC. (For security reasons, you can test a test password instead of a real password).
How passwords characterize are bad and should be avoided:
- Do not use passwords that use your personal information, as they are easy to guess. For example, your name plus your date of birth.
- Do not use repetitive characters or repeated in a sequential manner. For example, ‘QWERTY’ or ‘12345’. Not even ‘1qaz2wsx’, it does seem complicated, but it’s located in order on the keyboard.
- Don’t use common passphrases that are easy to guess, such as “winter is coming” or “let me in.”
- Do not use the same password on every account, because if one is hacked, your other account may be retrieved.
- Don’t email your passwords or store them in unencrypted documents.
Keeping your account secure
Already using a strong password, but keeping it is also a necessary thing to do. Especially for personal accounts that you consider very important, such as your business Google account or Youtube creator account. To keep your account safe, try to be further strengthened or keep it by:
- Enable the Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) feature, to add a level of security.
- Be sure to use the account on the official site or applications downloaded from the official store.
- Beware of suspicious text messages, which may potentially hack and steal sensitive information.
- Use an antivirus, to prevent malware from entering your device, and prevent the theft of personal data.
- Use a password manager, as mentioned earlier.
- Don’t use a free VPN, but it’s better to use a paid VPN.
- Create a new password when needed, such as if there is suspicious activity (the account has been entered by someone unknown).