WhatsApp Maximum Limit, here’s a complete list

WhatsApp Messenger (which we call WA) is now the best chat application for sending messages via smartphones. On smartphones, we only need an internet connection and the user’s phone number to be able to use the WhatsApp application.

This application was built by Facebook (or what is now known as META ). Currently WhatsApp is a favorite and popular application among the public. Because it offers ease of use.

Lots of features to use, completely and all free. From full features for chatting, it can also be for sharing news, to sharing files with other people, to business features.


Even though it’s free, there are also limitations. What are they!

WhatsApp MAX Limit

Here are some lists of maximum limits/limits for using the WhatsApp application.

  • Users can only forward messages up to 5 times.
  • The maximum number of group members is 256 users.
  • The maximum limit and size for uploading/sending videos and images is 16MB. (*If the selected video for upload is more than 16MB there will be an option to trim the video).
  • The maximum limit of broadcasts or broadcast messages is up to 256 contacts in each broadcast list.
  • Video calls (VC) in a group are a maximum of 32 participants, the rest can only be for voice calls.
  • The length of time to unsend or delete everyone’s messages ( delete for everyone ) is one hour after sending the message.
  • Document file size limit that can be sent is 100MB . Files can also be APK apps, zip files and more.
  • The length limit of inner writing can be up to 65,536 characters.
  • Account deletion account deadline if inactive for “120 days”. This means that if the account is not connected to the WhatsApp network for 4 months the account will be deactivated automatically.
  • The maximum video length for status is 30 seconds and 700 characters for text.
  • Status will be lost/deleted within 24 hours after upload.

Unknown limit

Quite a list of them, but there are also some unknowns such as.

  • What is the capacity (or maximum limit) for contacts that we can save on WhatsApp? if this is possible there is no limit. because I didn’t find any information about that storage.
  • How many statuses can be uploaded? this is also no information. Even if it’s a lot (tens of possible statuses), it’s more than enough for everyone. Sending very many statuses (perhaps hundreds) of course the account will be suspected by the system and can block your status.
  • Has anyone asked how many times we can chat messages on WhatsApp, the answer is there is no limit.

So, those are the maximum limitations in using the WhatsApp application.