How to send HD images on WhatsApp (original quality)

WhatsApp has many great features and convenience and ease of use. And it makes this app very popular.

One of the features that many people may not realize is that it features a compress image on WhatsApp. This will certainly affect the image quality and resolution, such as HD quality, QHD, 4K. The ones when on the big one will be cracked.

Which is where when submitting image files. The WhatsApp server system will automatically compress each image that users send, either to a friend or to a group.

With this feature the file size as well as the quality of the initially large image can be smaller.


From the excess side will certainly make image files can load faster, and also can save Internet data quota Si users.

But this is a problem if we want to send a photo that will be for a purpose, such as printing it or to create banners or other purposes.

Indeed, most of such purposes should require the quality of photographs with great resolution. Yes at least the original image size.

How to send original size images on WhatsApp

It is not complicated and easy to do. Next!, so that the sent image does not break (without reducing its quality):

Open WhatsApp message or grub. Tap the attachment icon on the left where to write the message. Select “Document” and “view more documents…”.

Add image File

Android File Explorer will appear. Here you find the image file you want to send.

Search image files

If you want to send a lot of image files, you can also select multiple files, just touch and hold to activate the file selection mode. And after that you can select multiple files at once. Then tap OPEN.

Open image to WhatsApp

Confirm the file to be sent by tap send. And wait for the Uploadnya process. The finished image file you sent will not be displayed in the form of an image. But you have to open the file to view the image.

Send HD images on Whatsapp

The maximum size of the file you can upload. Well, in an Ataskan process using the Document option, then you can upload files up to 100MB. But if you use maximum picture option up to 16MB.

Document upload options, can also be used to upload other files such as documents, video and audio.